Along with architecture and electromechanical (ME for short, including electricity, water, lighting and ventilation systems), structure is one of the three basic elements that create a sustainable and completed building. While architecture is similar to the appearance, electromechanical is the vascular system of the body, the structure is the musculoskeletal system helps the body to be stronger, which largely determines the safety and longevity of the building.
In essence, the structure of the building is the use of suitable materials and calculation diagrams to create an optimization in terms of bearing capacity for the building. The knowledge, skill and experience of the structural team will determine the success or failure of any project, especially for large projects such as high-rise buildings or large span bridges.
Structural design sequence can be summarized as follows:
1. Receive information about the project from the Investor and the architecture (scale, function, size…)
2. Planning for geological survey (number, location and depth of borehole), topography ->> this step is often overlooked by small investors to save money, and then often suffers the consequences!
3. Make appropriate calculation diagram: boundary conditions, connections, dimensions of parts, loads… From there to calculate the internal forces for the details of the structure (beams, floors, cables, foundations, pile…)
4. Audit: depending on the type of structure, choose the appropriate standard. The selection of the standard also has a great influence on the optimization of the structure.
5. Show the details on the appropriate drawing.
In general, structural calculations are only available to well-trained civil engineers, fluent in specialized software and mastering relevant standards. Structural engineers usually do work related to design, inspection, supervision, construction & inspection of works. There are many places to work, in which #REACTEC is a place where structural people are respected and have the opportunity to participate in many projects from large to small to quickly grow up.
Having worked in construction, we have to do unique works that we can later proudly show our children and grandchildren about what we have done.
Source: Dr. Nguyen Danh Thang